30 Days of September 2016
Every year since 2014 we've run a month-long blog campaign called 30 Days of September (30DoS).
The idea is to post something on the blog each day for the entire month around a particular theme.
In 2014 the theme was things that you thought the new CPN organisation ought to do. In 2015 we published 30 different ways for physiotherapists to think differently.
In a few days we'll start our 2016 campaign with a project that brings together 30 CPN members from around the world, talking about the ideas and people that have inspired their work.
Each day we'll a different CPN member will post a short piece about their inspiration and give you links so that you can follow up on ideas that interest you.
Where we can, we'll even give you the resources so that you too can be inspired.
So brace yourself for the annual CPN blogslaught. We hope you enjoy it.