30DoS 2018 Day 14 - Gunn Kristin Øberg
After many years working as a PT in clinical practice with infants at risk for subsequent motor development, I entered the world of academia as a Ph.D. student in 2003. My motivation came from a growing interest in exploring the key features of successful early developmental interventions, as I had experienced a diverse outcome of physical therapy to our youngest patients with similar medical history. Also, the research in the field was scarce. In my Ph.D. study, an observational and interview study, I therefore explored clinical physical therapy practice with preterm infants. The findings underscored the association between sensemaking, mutuality, interaction, handling, and quality of movements in preterm infants. Since then I have been curious about what physical therapy is and can be in theory and practice. Accordingly, my interest in the field of critical physical therapy is on critical explorations of professional healthcare practices; 1) the knowledge base for physical therapy in general and in pediatric physical therapy in particular and 2) content, form and efficacy in therapeutic processes and relationships. My competence in research methods is first and foremost in qualitative research. I largely utilize the perspectives of the phenomenology of the body and “enactivism” when examining complex interventions, framework, and physical therapy practices.
Relevant critical publications:
Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Ustad, Tordis; Jørgensen, Lone; Kaaresen, Per Ivar; Labori, Cathrine; Girolami, Gay L. (2018). Parents` Perceptions of administering a Motor Intervention with Their Preterm Infant in the NICU. European Journal of Physiotherapy. DOI: 10.1080/21679169.2018.1503718 (Nivå 1)
Sørvoll, Marit; Obstfelder, Aud; Normann, Britt; Øberg Gunn Kristin (2018). Perceptions, actions and interactions of supervised aides providing services to children with cerebral palsy in pre-school settings: a qualitative study of knowledge application. European Journal of Physiotherapy. DOI: 10.1080/21679169.2018.1452978
Sørvoll, Marit; Obstfelder, Aud; Normann, Britt; Øberg Gunn Kristin. (2018). How physiotherapists supervise to enhance practical skills in dedicated aides of toddlers with cerebral palsy: A qualitative observational study. Physiotherapy, Theory and Practice. DOI:10.1080/09593985.2018.1453003
Håkstad, Ragnhild B.; Obstfelder, Aud; Øberg, Gunn Kristin (2018). A qualitative study of Clinical Reasoning in Physiotherapy with Preterm Infants and Their Parents: Action and Interaction. Physiotherapy, Theory and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2017.1423524
Håkstad, Ragnhild B.; Obstfelder, Aud; Øberg, Gunn Kristin (2017). Let`s play. A Qualitative Study of Primary Care Physical Therapy With Preterm Infants Aged 3-14 Months. Infant behavior and development. 46; 115-123.
Blanchard, Yvette; Øberg, Gunn Kristin (2015). Physical therapy with newborns and infants: Applying concepts of phenomenology and synactive theory to guide interventions. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. ISSN 0959-3985.s doi: 10.3109/09593985.2015.1010243.2015.
Håkstad, Ragnhild B.; Obstfelder, Aud; Øberg, Gunn Kristin (2015). Parents’ Perceptions of Primary Health Care Physiotherapy With Preterm Infants: Normalization, Clarity, and Trust. Qualitative Health Research 2015. ISSN 1049-7323.s doi:10.1177/1049732315608137.
Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Normann, Britt; Gallagher, Shaun (2015). Embodied-Enactive clinical reasoning in physical therapy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. ISSN 0959-3985.s doi:10.3109/09593985.2014.1002873.
Normann, Britt; Fikke, Hanne Kristin; Øberg, Gunn Kristin (2015). Somatosensory impairments and upper limb function following stroke: Extending the framework guiding neurological physical therapy. European Journal of Physiotherapy. ISSN 2167-9169.s doi:10.3109/21679169.2015.1031175
Øberg, Gunn Kristin; Blanchard, Yvette; Obstfelder, Aud (2014). Therapeutic encounters with preterm infants: interaction, posture and movement. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Volum 30 (1). ISSN 0959-3985.s 1 - 5.
Email address: gunn.kristin.oeberg@uit.no
Location (city/town, country): Tromsø, Norway
Current position(s): Professor, Department of Health and Care Sciences, University of Tromsø- the Arctic University of Norway, and Researcher/Clinical Specialist in Paediatric Physical Therapy, University Hospital North Norway, Tromsø