30DoS 2020 - Day 19
Progressive Geographies
Thinking about place and power – a site written and curated by Stuart Elden.
Link to website: https://progressivegeographies.com
Geographers, sociologists, philosophers etc. on covid-19
Neoliberal Dogma? Revisiting Foucault on Social Security, Healthcare, and Autonomy (Pt. I of II)
Mental health issues in academia – a challenging piece in The Guardian
Hemingway Editor
Hemingway Editor is a free editing tool that analyses your writing and gives tips to clarify your text. Just uppload a piece of text to the app and see the colour coded highlights that might require your attention. The app gives suggestion on readability and grammatical issues. What is great with this app is that is does not impose changes on your text but highlights them to you. While you edit your text, the app evaluates the readibility in real time. You can paste your own text to the browser app, edit the text in the app and finally just copy the corrected text and paste it to your own document.
Link to website: http://www.hemingwayapp.com/
Child and Young People, Aesthetics and Special Needs by Torgeir Haugen & Kjell Ivar Skjerdingstad
This book aims to show how aesthetics can contribute to professional practices and its reflections on children and young people with special needs. On the one hand, it is motivated by a need to reflect broader and work deeply with the vulnerable child that for some reason departs from what is conceived as the normal. On the other hand, we need to utilize the unused potential of aesthetic reflection and practice. This is the double impetus behind this book and the research done by diverse scholars from which it has emerged. The diversity in the contributors’ backgrounds and interests, as well as the different forms and expressions of the contributions, reflects and adds up to this multiplicity. Embracing aesthetics as a general foundation for any life form, grounding any symbolic representation of the world as man does in verbal language, mathematics or the arts, implies a similar acceptance and avowing of the fact that all humans are equal in their sensual interlacing with the world. Thus, addressing children and young people with special needs implies that diversity should be accepted and acclaimed as a goal in itself – a normative bias. The anthology is aimed at researchers, scientists, scholars and teachers at universities and colleges of applied sciences and vocational studies. It can also be enriching for students and readers interested in aesthetics and special needs.
Link to book: http://solumbokvennen.no/boker/children-and-young-people-aesthetics-and-special-needs