A new international community of physiotherapy educators
This message comes from CPN members Michael Rowe and Ben Ellis.
We wanted to let you and your colleagues know about some of the developments with In Beta. In Beta is a new international community of physiotherapy educators, we have a Google+ community and schedule online conversations on topics of interest to physio educators every couple of months. We are currently planning our next few sessions which will include:
Teaching critical thinking in physiotherapy
Innovative approaches to physiotherapy curriculum design
Decluttering the pre-registration physiotherapy curriculum
If you think these sound like interesting topics or if you have other ideas for future conversations, please join our Google+ community here (Google account required).
The new In Beta website is now live. This is where we will be sharing the outputs from our sessions, including recordings of the conversations, background information and further reading. I think these are going to make great little resources on different aspects of physio education. Check out session 2 on internationalisation of the physio curriculum here: http://inbeta.uwc.ac.za/2017/10/09/2-internationalisation-of-the-curriculum/
We will also be sharing audio from our In Beta sessions and hopefully some other interesting interviews and conversations about physio education as podcasts. You can now subscribe by searching for "In Beta" on your preferred podcast platform. The iTunes link is https://itunes.apple.com/za/podcast/in-beta/id1292835007 please consider subscribing and giving us a listen!
Please feel free to share this with with your colleagues in physiotherapy education both in the UK and internationally.