Announcing ISCHP2023
The 13th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology
We are pleased to announce that our next Biennial Conference will take place from 26-28 July 2023, in hybrid form (in-person and on-line) at Universidad de O’Higgins in Rancagua, Chile.
You can find all information about the Conference at, including information about the venue, conference themes, keynote speakers, workshops, registration costs, and abstract submission. Abstract submissions for individual papers, symposia, roundtables, posters, pecha kucha, and 5 minute challenge presentations are currently open, with a March 15 deadline for submission. Registrations will open in early March.
ISCHP conferences are friendly, inclusive, and welcoming, and we especially welcome participation from new and emerging researchers. The conference is focused on critical approaches to health, and we welcome submissions from researchers across all health-related disciplines. The conference has a hybrid format, so if you are not able to attend in person, you can participate on-line for many of the conference sessions.
We look forward to seeing you, in Rancagua or on-line, in July.
ISCHP2023 Organising Committee