are you a CPN member attending ER-WCPT2016 in Liverpool?
ER-WCPT2016 is just under 1 month away and a couple of CPN members have been in touch to ask whether I know of other members who are going to Liverpool and whether there are plans for an informal CPN get-together at the event.
Rather than leaving everything to chance, I’ve set up a ’group’ on the CPN website that members coming to ER-WCPT2016 can join. I hope the online space will allow us to network before we meet in Liverpool and should make organisation of an informal get-together a bit easier!
To sign up to the ER-WCPT2016 ’group’ please visit & log in as a member. Once you have logged in, click on the ‘for members’ tab and select ‘groups’ from the drop-down menu. A list of CPN groups will pop open. Select ER-WCPT2016 from the list and click the ‘join group’ button to sign up to that group. (If you change your mind, you can work through the same steps to ‘leave group’).
I look forward to meeting some of you online and in Liverpool soon. Jo Bloggs
PS: If you have difficulties logging in or signing up to the ER-WCPT2016 group, please get in touch (