Call for chapters: Mobilising knowledge: A second critical physiotherapy reader
Submit your work for the 2nd critical physiotherapy reader to be produced by the Critical Physiotherapy Network
Title: Mobilising knowledge: A second critical physiotherapy reader
To go into print in early 2020.
A/Prof Dave Nicholls
A/Prof Rani Lill Anjum
A/Prof Elizabeth Anne Kinsella
A/Prof Karen Synne Groven
Publisher: Routledge
Outline: This book follows on from the success of the first critical physiotherapy reader – Manipulating Practices – and explores knowledge in and of physiotherapy. We want to take a critical look at the kinds of knowledge that traditionally formed the backbone of the profession, and examine how our understanding of what physiotherapy is and can be is changing. As always, we are looking for a critical reading of physiotherapy knowledge, but we are open to a wide variety of perspectives.
In contrast to the first book, we are looking for authors in this manuscript to collaborate with one or more non-physiotherapy author(s). In doing so we are hoping to see chapters that push physiotherapy knowledge beyond its current limits; explore collaborative ventures with non-physiotherapists; or look at ways that others view knowledge about their fields as ways of reflecting back on contemporary physiotherapy practice and thinking.
Our founding premise is that the world in which physiotherapy now operates is vastly different to that which provided the foundations for physiotherapy's long-standing scope of practice. And if the conditions in which physiotherapy operates change, it stands to reason that the kinds of knowledge that physiotherapists will employ in the future will also need to change. As critical thinkers committed to being a positive force for an otherwise physiotherapy, we hope this book provides a unique opportunity for contributors to explore new territory, new ideas, new collaborations, new possibilities.
We invite prospective authors to submit proposals on a variety of issues concerning the past, present and future of physiotherapy knowledge. We are open to a wide variety of submissions, including theoretical works, reflective pieces, and empirical studies. We welcome proposals that explore how knowledge in and of physiotherapy became established, is being applied, or is being transformed for the future. Proposals can be about knowledge as a general category, or about the ways that specific kinds of knowledge have, are, or may be deployed in the future. We are particularly interested to receive proposals in the following areas:
Historical development of physiotherapy knowledge
Ways physiotherapists have claimed particular kinds of knowledge and marginalised others
Links between physiotherapy knowledge in theory and in practice
Emerging knowledges being deployed by educators, practitioners and researchers
Students’ experiences of knowledge acquisition
Challenges of adapting physiotherapy to new kinds of knowledge
Possibilities for radically rethinking what physiotherapy is or can be
Synergies, collaborations, and fruitful boundary breaches that may transform physiotherapy thinking and practice
Cultural, economic, philosophical, political, social, or spiritual challenges to physiotherapy’s traditional biomedical worldview
Radical, and critical emancipatory challenges to western, androcentric, heteronormative, colonial, sanist and ableist hegemonies
Methods for developing, evaluating, implementing and critiquing physiotherapy knowledge
Knowledge and physiotherapy curricula
Knowledge as a limiting factor in transforming future practice
Emerging research methodologies that challenge bio-scientific and interpretivist modes of knowledge production
Consideration of epistemic justice in relation to whose testimonies are privileged and legitimated, and whose testimonies may be silenced or excluded, in physiotherapy practice
Abstracts: Prospective authors are invited to submit 250 – 300 word proposals to the editors at by 1st December 2018. Proposals should include the chapter title, authors, and an abstract without references.
The editors will review the abstracts and by the end of January 2019, and invite successful authors to submit completed manuscripts by November 1st 2019.