Call for papers for new Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
Prof Anne Kinsella, one of the editors of our upcoming collection of critical physiotherapy writings - Mobilising knowledge - is on the editorial board of this new journal. Here is a recent call for papers.
Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
JPHE is a new international, open access, online journal dedicated to high quality research on praxis within, and related to, teaching, learning and researching in higher education.It is now calling for papers for its first issue to be published November 1, 2019.
Praxis is a contested term that, in many contexts, is used interchangeably with ‘practice’, or understood as routine or habitual human activity. However, it has also come to be understood in a moral-political sense as reflexive action informed and oriented by moral/social justice commitments, especially within educational settings by those concerned with education for the ‘public good’. In an era characterised by internationalisation, increasing accountability, strong ties between universities and national and regional economies, widening participation, technological change, and imperatives concerning sustainable development, university communities are under great pressure to meet ever-increasing and often competing demands. Attention to universities’ civic responsibilities and education for the ‘public good’ (i.e., education as praxis) is arguably sometimes lost in the daily struggle to meet such demands. This journal has been established with this concern in mind. It welcomes empirical and conceptual papers (6000-8000 words) by researchers from all disciplines as well as from any academic tradition that address and/or inform debate about related issues.
See the attached JPHE Call for Papers PDF or the journal website ( for details about the journal, as well as the journal’s style guidelines, submission information, and editorial board.
Topics to guide submissions include, but are not limited to
Consequences of particular pedagogies, policies and developments in higher education;
Justice and other ethical considerations associated with higher education, including implications for politics, society and sustainability;
Changing conditions for teaching, learning, researching, leading, and/or professional learning in higher education;
Transformative and responsive education;
Power and agency in higher education;
Inclusive education and practices in higher education;
Criticality and/or fostering critical thinking in higher education;
The concept of praxis and related concepts (e.g., praxis development, practical wisdom, practical judgement, phronesis);
Research approaches as, for, and about praxis in higher education.
See the JPHE’s website for a more comprehensive list of possible topics.
To be considered for inclusion in Issue 1, 2019, manuscripts need to be submitted by August 31 to All manuscripts will be blind reviewed. Questions about the journal should be directed to Professor Petra Angervall at
JPHE was founded in 2018 and is based at the University of Borås, Sweden.