Calling all licensed physical therapists in Canada, USA, Australia, and NZ
You are invited to write two brief fictional stories for the Storying Physiotherapy study, led by Patty Thille, PT, PhD at the University of Manitoba.
Starting with fictional prompt, you will write two stories about physiotherapy practice. You call pull on your prior experience, your imagination, and more to do so. This will take 30-40 minutes.
The stories created will become a collection. We will share some of the collection in interviews with some participants, and later via a digital platform to foster conversation about best practices in physiotherapy.
To learn more, and complete the study if you are interested, please visit: Storying Physiotherapy.
Sent on behalf of Patty Thille, PT, PhD, who is a member of the executive committee of the Critical Physiotherapy network, and a co-editor of the forthcoming critical physiotherapy anthology.