Connectivity - Contributions from the Network - New resources
Thanks to everyone who sent me comments and thoughts on the Connectivity writing project. Here are some of the extra resources people thought might be linked to the project. If you have any more thoughts on what should go into the article, either add them as comments below (remember, I may post them on the blog) or send them to me via email (
Lester Jones
I think this document could be relevant - although I am aware it is 11 years old now. I have used it, including figure 1 - as referenced below - in curriculum design. Should be able to access pdf from link below, with figure on p29.
STAKES (2003) 'Label Us Able : A Pro-active Evaluation of Finnish Development Co-operation from the Disability Perspective' page 29. Figure 1. Drawing by David Warner. Accessed on 23 October 2014 from here.
Gwyn Owen
I wondered whether Mol’s (2002) ethnography of diabetes might be a useful reference point – as a way of conceptualising how (dis)ability is ‘done’ in practice, & its potential to multiply (e.g. everything from an ‘exhibit’ in a Victorian circus or medical ward round to a super-human technologically-enhanced entity) as the body moves through time/space?
Thomas Abrams
Michael Schillmeier's /Rethinking Disability: Bodies, Senses, Things/ contains a chapter-length theoretically informed critique of the social model of disability, "In Media Res: A Dis/Ability Manifesto" (2010, pp. 101-125). From the sociology side of things, I think it is one of the finest there is.