Welcome new critical physios and like minded folks, and hello to those long part of the critical physiotherapy community! For those of you catching up on what we are up to, the Critical Physiotherapy Network is in a period of re-imagining the future and strengthening relationships.
The first thing is come out of this are monthly social gatherings we call CPN Cafés. Consider these low pressure social gatherings to support more relationships within our community.
Please drop into one or more the July CPN Cafés, this month hosted by English, French, Portuguese and Spanish speakers.
July 3, 3 pm Central Daylight Savings Time (works well for Americas, evenings in Western Europe/Africa, morning in parts of Asia-Oceania)
Meeting ID: 669 6929 1603
Passcode: 377523
9 juil 8:00 PM Paris/Central European Summer Time (works best for Europe, Africa, and the Americas)
ID de réunion: 821 8527 2033
Code secret: 919702July 11, 6:30 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST works well for Asia-Pacifica, Africa and Europe)
Meeting ID: 573 026 0845
Passcode: f25FGM
12 de julho às 11:00 Brasilia Brasil (GMT-3) (em português & en español; time works best for those in the Americas, Europe and Africa)
ID da reunião: 882 0645 7981
And a note that we find this time converter really helpful to keep our executive, based in 5 different continents, on track: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html
"cafe terras" by zoetnet is licensed under CC BY 2.0.