CPN colloquium in Cardiff
colloquium n. an informal gathering for discussion
If you're in or around the UK on 5 July and want to spend a day exploring critical physiotherapy with other CPN members, why not join us at a CPN colloquium in Cardiff? Date/time: Wednesday 5 July 2017, 1000 - 1630 (exact time to be confirmed) Venue: Cardiff University The colloquium is an event organised and hosted by CPN members for CPN members. There will be no charge to attend, but you will need to bring a packed lunch! The Cardiff colloquium will run in parallel with the CPN salon in Cape Town... and because there is only a 1-hour time difference, we hope that technology will allow us to make a live connection between the two sites for part of the day. If you're interested in attending the CPN colloquium in Cardiff or have some ideas about topics you'd like to share and/or discuss, please log in to the site and 'leave a reply' to let us know.