CPN Colloquium: Physiotherapy - bodies, professional practices & identities. Cardiff 5th July 2017
colloquium n. an informal gathering for discussion
The Cardiff colloquium is an event organised and hosted by CPN members for CPN members. This informal event takes its inspiration from a proposal to organise a virtual unconference posted during the CPN's '30 Days in September' campaign. The Cardiff colloquium offers an opportunity for CPN members to come together to share experiences and ideas about researching Physiotherapy - bodies, professional practices and identities from a critical perspective. We will also be connecting (for part of the day) with the CPN Salon in Cape Town to have a critical conversation about our dreams and visions for the future of the network. Date: 5th July 2017 Time: 10.00 – 16.00 (registration at 09.45) Venue: School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University, Heath Park Campus, Cardiff CF14 4XN Session hashtag: #CPNcolloquium17 Final Programme: 0945: Registration 1000: Welcome and introductions 1015: Dreaming a critical future 1100: Presentations and work-in-progress: Session chair - Graeme Paul-Taylor 1100: Ralph Hammond Post-metaphysical thinking – an orientation for critical physiotherapy 1120: Niels Hermannsson Bodies, Professional Practises and Identities (work-in-progress) 1140: Gwyn Owen Thinking through the body (work-in-progress) 1200: Anna Rajala “Foul is fair”: chiasmus, ethics and the dialectics of body work in physiotherapy (work-in-progress) 1220: Julie Latchem Identifying bodies: challenges in maintaining anonymity in ethnographic research 1240: Plenary discussion 1300: Packed lunch & networking 1330: Workshop: A method for capturing movement and touch-based interactions in practice Dr Clare Kell 1500: Revisiting our dreams: a (virtual) critical conversation with CPN Salon in Cape Town 1530: Concluding dialogues: reflections and collective next steps 1600: Close If you would like to share a presentation/article that relates to 'Physiotherapy - bodies, professional practice and identities', please let us know using the 'leave a reply' box [below] before 28 June so that we can make space for you on the programme. Tickets for the event are available via EventBrite website (click here to for more information and to register for the event). There is no charge to attend, but places are limited - so don't leave it too late to book your place! We look forward to welcoming you to Cardiff Gwyn Owen, Graeme Paul-Taylor and Nicky Wilson