CPN Digest #166
Something for the weekend:
Fabric, Fitness, and Femininity: A New Materialist Analysis of the Activewear Phenomenon
A posthuman decentring of person-centred care (feat. Barbara Gibson)
Afflexivity in post-qualitative inquiry: prioritising affect and reflexivity in the evaluation of a health information website (feat. Jenny Setchell)
Education, Contact and the Vitality of Touch: Membranes, Morphologies, Movements
The Touch of the Present: Educational Encounters and Processes of Becoming
Jean-Luc Nancy: ‘Communism means conceiving being-in-common’
Instrumental Touch: A Foucauldian Analysis of Women’s Fitness
Kids’ fitness is at risk while they miss sport and hobbies — but mums are getting more physical
Running a ‘find-and-replace’ over the city, replacing streets with parks
“That chart ain’t for us”: How Black women understand “obesity,” health, and physical activity