CPN Digest #3
Something for the weekend:
Trees are made of human breath (link)
How women led the rise of professional work in Australia (link)
Why is it important to refuse the idea of treating students like customers? (link)
Standing at a Critical Nexus in the Evolution of Physiotherapy (link)
Should nurses fill the hole in future primary care (link)?
The brain as an agentic system (link)
Going beyond RCTs in Cochrane's vision of health care (link)
A €5,000 prize for best essay on the topic of 'Interdisciplinarity: the new orthodoxy?' (link)
4th Qualitative Health Research Network (QHRN) Conference| 21-22 March 2019| London, UK (link)
Why are chronic illnesses increasing in children? (link)
What's the difference between those who know their history and those who don't? (link)
Are Our Smart Devices Turning Us into Dumb Humans? (link)
The healthiest ways to get around a city - cycle, walk, drive or train? (link)
What causes asthma? What we know, don't know and suspect (link)
The worst passive aggressive email phrases (link)