This list was compiled by Veronika Schoeb, a physiotherapist by heart, a sociologist by education, an academic by passion, and a family person by choice. She is currently the Director of Research and International Relations at the School of Health Sciences Vaud (HESAV), University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Twitter: @veronika_schoeb
1) Check out Helen Bevan’s Twitter @HelenBevan — she has inspiring posts and links to articles, and websites on leadership in health & care, such as in 2)
2) 10 Things Leaders Should Remember about People
3) Emotion as reflexive practice: A new discourse for feedback by Roja Ajjawi, Rebecca O. Olson, and Nancy McNaughton
4) Have you ever worked in a team without conflict? Perhaps a team who does not have “passionate, unfiltered debate around issues of importance to the team, or “Artificial Harmony”. Read The 6 Exercises We’re Doing to Help with Artificial Harmony
5) “C’était mieux après” by Calogero (It was better afterwards)
Finalement une fois qu'on l'a fait / On s'est aperçu qu'en effet / C'était mieux après / À force de trop hésiter / À force de tout éviter / L'occasion va passer / On s'empêche d'avancer
Finally, once we had done it / We realised that indeed / It was better afterwards / By hesitating too much / By avoiding everything / The opportunity will pass / We stop ourselves from moving forward
6) “Whatsapping” the continuity of postpartum care in Switzerland: A socio-anthropological study by Patricia Perrenoud, Caroline Chautems and Christelle Kaech
7) Swiss National Science Scientific Image competition – Jury Distinction Category Video — Neuronal Guidance by Alexandre Dumoulin, University of Zurich
8) Implementing Experience Sampling Technology for Functional Analysis in Family Medicine – A Design Thinking Approach by Naomi E.M. Daniëls, Laura M.J. Hochstenbach, Marloes A. van Bokhoven, Anna J.H.M. Beurskens and Philippe A.E.G. Delespaul
9) Gender and other potential biases in peer review: Cross-sectional analysis of 38 250 external peer review reports — The Swiss National Science Foundation evaluated 12,294 grant applications’ peer reviews and found that (a) male applicants received more favourable evaluation scores than female applicants, (b) male reviewers awarded higher scores than female reviewers, and (c) applicant-nominated reviewers awarded higher scores than reviewers nominated by the SNFS.
10) Benefits and challenges with gamified multi-media physiotherapy case studies: a mixed method study by Doris Yin Kei Chong
11) Empathy: The human connection to patient care. Patient care is more than just healing — it's building a connection that encompasses mind, body, and soul.
12) Agile Innovation to transform healthcare: innovating in complex adaptive systems is an everyday process, not a light bulb event by Richard J. Holden, Malaz A. Boustani & José Azar
13) 7 videos guaranteed to change the way you see refugees
14) Authentic feedback: supporting learners to engage in disciplinary feedback practices by Philip Dawson, David Carless and Pamela Pui Wah Lee
15) Last but not least: Michael Rowe’s academic headspace. I end with his quote “Academia should be a space for calm productivity but this is the one thing that few of us feel is possible.