Follow up to 1st Critical Physiotherapy Course for 2020
We had a fantastic opening session in this year's Critical Physiotherapy Course late last week.
Just over 80 people tuned in to hear Anne Lagaas and Anne-Lise Middelthon talk about their chapter in our upcoming book Mobilizing knowledge.
Anne and Anne-Lise talked about the ways that we learn to move our bodies as physiotherapists through our work with clients/patients.
There is almost no research on this in the physiotherapy literature. But we all instinctively know that so much of our practice is embodied in skilled, tacit ways of moving and being. So their work is really groundbreaking.
Imagine how we could help our students (and ourselves?) to become better practitioners if we could unpack and then articulate how to embody being a physiotherapist.
We'll be posting resources from the course over the next few days, but one of the outcomes of the meeting was CPN founding member Filip Maric reaching out to his German colleagues:
An unsere deutschsprachigen CPN-Mitglieder:
Mit wachsender Mitgliederzahl aus deutschsprachigen Laendern haben wir kuerzlich die Idee gehabt ein erstes deutschsprachiges CPN Treffen zu organisieren.
Erste Interessenten gibt es schon und wir wollten hiermit nochmal sehen ob es noch mehr Leute gibt die gerne dabei waeren. Das ganze soll erst einmal ein ganz ungezwungenes 'meet and greet' sein. Was sich dann weiter ergibt oder anbietet koennen wir dann entscheiden.
Bei Interesse bitte innerhalb der naechsten 1-2 Wochen eine kurze email an
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Filip Maric (PhD, PT)
And here's an English translation of his message:
To our German speaking CPN members:
With a growing number of members from German-speaking countries, we recently had the idea of organizing a first German-speaking CPN meeting.
There is already a small group of interested people, but we wanted to see if there might be a few more people interested to attend. This will initially be a very casual 'meet and greet' and we can then see what other ideas come out of it.
If you are interested, please send a short email to within the next 1-2 weeks.
Yours sincerely,
Filip Maric (PhD, PT)