Happy birthday CPN
Next Monday 27th June marks 2 years since we formed the Critical Physiotherapy Network.
It's hard to believe quite how much has happened in that time, but here's a brief snapshot.
Created two fully functioning website (the new one being significantly better than the old one!)
Formed an Executive that's met every month without fail, across 16 time zones and seven countries
Written our first collaborative peer-reviewed paper (pdf)
Collaborated on our first edited book, with 16 chapters, for open source publication by Cappelen Damm in 2017
Created a constitution and objectives and translated it into a dozen languages
Created international collaborations and exchanges between Australia, Canada, Norway, UK and New Zealand
Had CPN members meetings on The Gold Coast, in Mallorca and Singapore
Published 383 blogposts, attracting over 56,000 views at an average of 250 per day, some of which are now also published in Spanish (thanks Viviana!)
Established Facebook and Twitter profiles
Gained 482 members across 30 countries
And in the last week heard that we have been accepted for a Focused Symposium at WCPT in Cape Town in July next year
There are many people we need to thank, but most especially the fantastic members of the CPN Executive: Barbara Gibson (Canada), Simon Kirkegaard (Denmark), Jenny Setchell (Australia), Gwyn Owen (UK), Nicky Wilson (UK) and our two newest members, Michael Rowe (South Africa) and Viviana Silva Guerrero (Colombia/Australia). Special thanks also go to Sofia Woods at Shortie Designs for her fantastic work moving us to our new website, and to Jo Bloggs who keeps the wheels turning quietly in the background.
Happy birthday to everyone connected with the CPN. World domination is just around the corner.