Idea 11: Develop study materials for our students (2 mins)
Every day during September we will post up an idea for you to vote on. The most popular ideas will become the things that the inaugural Organizing Committee of the Critical Physiotherapy Network focuses on in 2015. So please make sure you cast your vote at the bottom of each post.
One of the most common messages I've read over the last 2 months from people who have emailed me about the group, has been about the need to connect with people out in the wider physio community who might be able to offer their help and expertise. Be it graduate students looking for someone with methodology or philosophy expertise, or researchers/writers looking for collaborators for future projects, it seems we've all joined hoping to make a connection with like minded others.
We are blessed to have a group of real experts in our midst; experts in a wide range of cultural, historical, philosophical and social disciplines, who have all received a 'traditional' physiotherapy training, but have also learned how to think differently about their practice. It might not have been possible 10 years ago - maybe even 5 years ago - to bring together such an eclectic group of experts. But now it is, and one of the ways in which these people might be able to help the next generation of critical physiotherapists might be to produce study materials for student members of the group.
Modern technology means that producing study materials is as easy as producing a Word document or a PowerPoint slide. So what better way to offer our colleagues around the world the opportunity to study with some of our world-leading thinkers and really push the profession into the 21st century!
Post update: please note that voting closed on 7 October 2014 (results are available here), but please feel free to post your comments in the space below.