Idea 5: Offer awards for the best critical research (2 mins)
Every day during September we will post up an idea for you to vote on. The most popular ideas will become the things that the inaugural Organizing Committee of the Critical Physiotherapy Network focuses on in 2015. So please make sure you cast your vote at the bottom of each post.
Any new field needs promoting and awards are a great way to encourage people to strive for a goal. Awards can be crass and elitist - but only if they are more about the style than the substance. Our awards could be a more egalitarian affair, focusing on people's contribution to the field, support for others, or the boldness of their ideas.
As we mentioned in yesterday's ideas post, we have some world class scholars in our Critical Physiotherapy Network: people who have excelled in nurturing others, developing new fields on inquiry, and challenging long-held assumptions. It would be nice if at the end of each year, we could acknowledge these people and pay our own small measure of respect to the effort they have put in for the collective benefit of the profession.
So don't forget to cast your vote below if you like the idea of some kind of annual award.
Post update: please note that voting closed on 7 October 2014 (results are available here), but please feel free to post your comments in the space below.