member eBulletin 2015(11)
Published 30 November 2015
Welcome to the member e-Bulletin
... your digest of content posted to the site during the last month.
Thanks to members who posted feedback on October's edition of the eBulletin (copy available here). Your feedback supported the idea of producing a member eBulletin in principle - published on either a fortnighly or a monthly basis. You asked me to review presentation/format of content & offered some great ideas about the sorts of things you'd like to see in the eBulletin. I hope that you'll see some of those ideas starting to appear through the eBulletin over the coming months.
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What's new
Since launching the registration form towards the end of October, CPN has been pleased to welcome over 30 new members - that's the equivalent of 1 new member each day throughout November! We've also taken the opportunity of a website crash in mid-November (sorry if you were affected by that) to review the design of the site. You might have seen that the website banner has shrunk & that the navigation tabs have been re-labelled - all things designed to make things easier to find on the site. Big thanks to Sofia Woods of Shortie Designs for her ongoing help, support & advice with CPN website maintenance & development. [su_divider top="no"]
From the blog
The blog continues to be the most well-visited section of the site. - you'll find a selection of the most popular posts from November right here. The posts on evidence based medicine, Sleep-walking to South Africa /Sonambulismo hacia Sud Africa (with thanks to CPN Exec member Viviana Silva for the Spanish translation) & the interview with Pia Kontos were especially popular during November. If you're looking for information about how to subscribe to the blog, or feel a bit unsure about how to add a comment to a blog post, please visit the new 'frequently asked questions' section of the website where you'll find some hints & tips from Jo Bloggs. If you're feeling inspired to write a post for the blog - please contact Dave Nicholls who'd be delighted to hear from you (you'll find his details in the list of CPN members). [su_divider top="no"]
CPN site & beyond
And looking ahead to 2016, have a look at the variety of calls for papers, chapters, & abstract reviewers that are open - all potentially exciting opportunities for CPN members to develop & showcase our work. We're also keen to follow-up suggestions from members who attended Physiotherapy UK 2015 for a 'work in progress' colloquium somewhere in the UK during 2016. If you'd be interested in being part of that event (e.g. through organising, promoting or participating), please get in touch via & keep an eye on the blog for more information.
Jo Bloggs has been doing some work on the network library. S/he's started to review, refresh & catalogue existing content (over 350 posts to date) & has organised some of it into collections. You'll find evidence of Jo's activity if you visit the 'interviews', 'images' & 'video' sections of the network library. Once Jo's organised what's already there, we'll be inviting members to make recommendations of freely available eResources (anything from audio podcasts & book reviews to theses, videos & useful websites) they'd like to add to the network library. Please keep an eye on future member eBulletins for more information. [su_divider top="no"] Thank you for logging in to read the 2nd edition of the member eBulletin - please remember to leave some feedback before you leave the page. [thumbs-rating-buttons]