member eBulletin 2016(01)
published 31 January 2016
Welcome to the member e-Bulletin
... your digest of content posted to the site during the last month.
What's new
Network membership continues to grow :-) We've had over 30 people join the network since the new year which brings our membership to nearly 380 people! It's really exciting to see how quickly the network is growing as people either come across our site on their travels online, or through the recommendations of others. So whether you've just joined the network or are a long-standing member, thank you for your support & for helping spread the word about the CPN. [su_divider top="no"]
From the blog
January's blog featured an exciting mix of media. There's a video podcast that invites us to think the unthinkable about education; & an audio podcast of Naked Physio's interview with Dave Nicholls (well worth a listen - if you haven't already). The most popular post on the blog this month? Disrupting the disabled-normal divide/El resquebrajamiento de la division discapacidad-normalidad (with thanks to CPN Exec member Viviana Silva Guerra for the Spanish translation) - which is a post from Barbara Gibson about her latest book. Viviana's translation is one of a small (but growing) collection of posts that have been translated from English into other languages (link). If you see a post on the blog that you would like to translate into your preferred language - please get in touch. [su_divider top="no"]
CPN site & beyond
There's been a steady stream of pos
ts during December & January about events, publications and projects of interest to CPN members. Click here to find lots of different opportunities for networking, developing your practice & showcasing your work. There's everything from calls for papers & chapters, information about conferences & seminars, a request for volunteers for a project in Tanzania or Ukraine, & a chance to join an Editorial Board. Don't leave it too long before having a look - the deadlines for some of those opportunities are coming up soon.
If you are thinking about submitting an abstract to a conference for the first time, keep an eye on ER-WCPT2016 website. You may have seen the post earlier this month about a series of webinars to support people submitting abstracts for the first time...? We hope that the materials from those webinar sessions will be published & available to view very soon.
If you're looking for an interesting read, or want an opportunity to polish your writing skills, Sociology of Health & Illness is looking for people to review new books published during 2015/16. You'll find more information here. And if you want to share your thoughts with others but the book review format doesn't appeal, have you thought about preparing a post for the network blog? Please contact Dave Nicholls for more information (you'll find his details in the list of CPN members). [su_divider top="no"]
You might have noticed just before Christmas that the 'add reply' function on the website was a bit temperamental (sorry if you were affected by that). We've done some work to find a temporary fix (thanks again to Sofia Woods of Shortie Designs for her ongoing help, support & advice), but we will be doing some site maintenance/development over the coming weeks & months to make sure that our website continues to grow with our network. Exciting times! Until next time... [su_divider top="no"] Thank you for logging in to read the 3rd issue of the member eBulletin - please remember to leave some feedback before you leave the page. [thumbs-rating-buttons]