Onwards and upwards
Last week's blogpost by Tracy Bury from WCPT brought to an end another hectic 30 Days of September campaign. It's the third such campaign we've run since the Network began in 2014, and they're a lot of fun, but also a lot of hard work. So thank you to all of the members, new and old, who contributed to last month's campaign.
We decided this year to focus on ideas that motivated us to be critical-thinking physiotherapists, and hopefully many of you will have been inspired by what you read. One member wrote to me a few days ago to say, "I’m loving 30days. My reading list for the next 12 months is set." We hope you all had something like that kind of reaction.
The 30DoS campaign always sees us gain members, and this month has been no exception. There are now more than 520 members in the Network, 100 more than six months ago. And each post reached about 500 people through Facebook alone, with some posts being very widely accessed. Seeing what people are sharing is always interesting.
September has been a busy month for the Network in other respects too. Members will know that a team from the CPN will be presenting one of the 17 Focused Symposia at WCPT Congress in South Africa next year. Our theme is, unsurprisingly, 'Critical Physiotherapy', and will focus on ways of using critical approaches to challenge, enhance and transform our practice, education, research and policy.
We're organising a one-day post-WCPT workshop that we're calling the CPN Salon (5th July 2017, in Cape Town). We're hoping to have as many CPN members there as possible so that we can share ideas about critical thinking and practice, hear from some amazing speakers, and share ideas about how people want the CPN to grow and change. Places will be strictly limited, so if you'd like to reserve your place, email us here.
Work on the upcoming Critical Physiotherapy Studies edited collection continues, with 15 chapter authors preparing summaries of their work for our next Writing Group Circle in a few weeks time (the book should be available late 2017), and there may be some more announcements about WCPT and some very exciting news about a new educational initiative coming soon too.
More of that later though. Now it's time to get into some of that new reading!
Your CPN Executive: Simon Kirkegaard, Barbara Gibson,Viviana Silva Guerrero, Dave Nicholls, Michael Rowe, Jenny Setchell and Nicky Wilson