Recording of CPN Vulnerability course
Resource links to all of the material from the 1st session
Here’s the update and now correct link (passcode:^&!7ZuXz) to the recording from the 1st session of the CPN’s free online course on vulnerability.
And here is a list of resources people added to the chat feed:
David Whyte’s poem on vulnerability
Keats coined the term negative capability in a letter he wrote to his brothers George and Tom in 1817. Inspired by Shakespeare's work, he describes it as : “negative capability: being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.”
Fugaciousness, also Vergänglichkeit - vergankelijkheid - forgjengelighet - fugacité - transitoriedade - fugacidad
Simon Critchley lecture on ‘philosophy is learning about how to die
Martha Fineman - “Often narrowly understood as merely “openness to physical or emotional harm,” vulnerability should be recognized as the primal human condition. As embodied beings, we are universally and individually constantly susceptible to injury, harm, and dependency over the life-course. The inevitability of vulnerability means that there is no position of invulnerability; there is only the possibility of resilience. We gain resilience when we have accumulated sufficient resources to allow us to adapt to, ameliorate, compensate for, or contain our vulnerability. Resilience also allows us to take advantage of opportunities as they arise, giving us the confidence necessary to take risks. Significantly, we are not born resilient. Rather, we gain the resources that give us resilience over time and within and through social institutions and relationships. “
Thinking about dys-appearance rather than disappearance -
Marcia Bjornerud Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World -
‘Edge of Extinction; Travels with Enduring People in Vanishing Lands’ by Jules Petty -
We’ll send out an announcement about the 2nd date for the course shortly.