Results from 30 Days of September
During September we used the blog to test out ideas that we might make part of our work in the first year of the Critical Physiotherapy Network. Each day we posted up a new idea and people voted on whether they liked the idea or not. Here are the results.
The top 10 most popular projects were, in order:
Explaining philosophy to physios (#15)
Starting a critical physiotherapy journal (#7)
Running a colloquium in the South of France (#1)
Collaborating on a critical physiotherapy book (#23)
Running a webinar (#24)
Profiling group members (#4)
Overcoming barriers to publishing in English (#25)
Developing critical curricula for physiotherapy schools (#3)
Developing our own visual style (#17)
Setting up an annual award for the best critical research paper (#6)
The results were produced by multiplying the number of votes with the percentage of people who voted for the idea (this is known technically as the 'multiplying column A by column C method.)
Interestingly the bottom three choices were: Opening the group to non-members (#8), Training in social networking (#28), and Supporting conference attendance (#14).
So what happens now?
Well, we finalised the membership of the Organising Committee today, and the following people have kindly agreed to be on the inaugural committee:
Barbara Gibson (Canada)
Simon Kirkegaard (Denmark)
Gwyn Owen / Nicky Wilson (England)*
Dave Nicholls (New Zealand)
Jenny Setchell (Australia)
(*Gwyn and Nicky will be job sharing)
Thanks to everyone who offered to be part of the committee. We had 13 volunteers but wanted to keep the group to a manageable size in its first year, so some people kindly stepped aside.
We've tentatively organised to meet via Skype on the evening of Thursday 30th (North America/Europe) / morning of Friday 31st October (Australia/NZ), at which point we will make our democratically-elected list of New Ideas one of our main agenda items and report back via the blog straight after the meeting.
Thanks for your votes and your input over the month. I look forward to the group going from strength to strength over the coming months.