Rethinking Rehabilitation book now in print and ebook
A few months ago I mentioned that a couple of people from the Critical Physiotherapy Network had collaborated on a project to bring together a book called Rethinking Rehabilitation. Well the book has been published and is available for order on line.
The book began in 2012 as a collaborative project between Barbara Gibson, Associate Professor at University of Toronto and Bloorview Children’s Hospital Foundation Chair in Childhood Disability Studies, and Kath McPherson, Professor of Rehabilitation at AUT University in Auckland, New Zealand.
The authors met in Toronto for a two-day symposium in July 2012 where everyone presented and discussed their proposed chapters. From that came the design for the edited collection.
The book contains 14 chapters in 3 parts:
Part 1. Rethinking the Past and Re-Envisioning the Future
Chapter 1. Rethinking Rehabilitation: Theory, Practice, History—And the Future, from Kathryn McPherson, Barbara E. Gibson, Alain Leplège
Chapter 2. Conceptualizing Disability to Inform Rehabilitation: Historical and Epistemological Perspectives, from Alain Leplège, Catherine Barral, Kathryn McPherson
Chapter 3. Rethinking Rehabilitation’s Assumptions: Challenging “Thinking-as-Usual” and Envisioning a Relevant Future, from Karen Whalley Hammell
Chapter 4. Rethinking “Normal Development” in Children’s Rehabilitation, from Barbara E. Gibson, Gail Teachman, Yani Hamdani
Part 2. Philosophy in Action
Chapter 5. Do Frogs Have Lips?—An Exploration of the Place of “Mind” in Rehabilitation, from Richard J. Siegert, Matthew Maddocks
Chapter 6. Rethinking Movement: Postmodern Reflections on a Dominant Rehabilitation Discourse, from David A. Nicholls, Barbara E. Gibson, Joanna K. Fadyl
Chapter 7. Therapeutic Landscape: Rethinking “Place” in Client-Centered Brain Injury Rehabilitation, from Pia Kontos, Karen-Lee Miller, Cheryl Cott, Angela Colantonio
Chapter 8. Rethinking Social-Relational Perspectives in Rehabilitation: Traumatic Brain Injury as a Case Study, from Jacinta Douglas, Melanie Drummond, Lucy Knox, Margaret Mealings
Chapter 9. Rehabilitation and Recovery of Self-Identity, from Emily J. Thomas, William M. M. Levack, William J. Taylor
Part 3. Rethinking Rehabilitation Delivery, Research, Teaching, and Policy
Chapter 10. “This Unfortunate Young Girl…”: Rethinking a Necessary Relationship between Disability Studies and Rehabilitation, from Susan Guenther-Mahipaul
Chapter 11. Rethinking Measurement in Rehabilitation, from Paula Kersten, Åsa Lundgren-Nilsson, Charles Sèbiyo Batcho
Chapter 12. Te Waka Oranga: Bringing Indigenous Knowledge Forward, from Hinemoa Elder
Chapter 13. Whose Behavior Matters? Rethinking Practitioner Behavior and Its Influence on Rehabilitation Outcomes, Nicola M. Kayes, Suzie Mudge, Felicity A. S. Bright, Kathryn McPherson
Chapter 14. Rehab as an Existential, Social Learning Process: A Thought Experiment, from David A. Stone, Christina Papadimitriou
The book extends the discussion of rehabilitation theory to many different practitioners and researchers and includes contributors from the US, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. It addresses the philosophical context of rehabilitation along with a research and clinical perspective and features contributions from a multidisciplinary team: physiotherapy, occupational theory, speech/language therapy, nursing, medicine, psychiatry, psychology and more.
You can buy the book in hardback (£63.99) or ebook (£29.00) from CRC Press by following this link.