Something for the weekend - a new CPN Digest
This is a bit of a new venture. During the week I come across long-form articles and pieces that are too long or interesting to warrant a brief post on Twitter or Facebook but would be too numerous to blog about. So, following Nursing Clio's Sunday Morning Medicine weekly post, I'm going to trial a weekly post with readings that you might enjoy over the weekend. The posts will all relate in some way to critical physiotherapy, so if you come across material that you think would be good to add to the list, drop me a line (
Here's this week's list:
Carol Collins Cole's recollections of working with polio in the 1950s and 60s (link)
Think you know what causes obesity? Think again (link)
OpenPhysio journal goes from strength to strength (link)
How our focus on the individual is harming people (link)
Don't worry, computers won't ever have needs, cravings or desires (link)
The placebo effect (link)
Being a disabled health professional (link)
Using of Photo-Stories and Fiction Writing to Address HIV Stigma Among Health Professions Students (link)
Narrative Inquiry and New Materialism (link)
Lessons from Nature on Being with Pain (link)