[Image detail from Broken Spectre, a film by Richard Mosse]
While we’ve been quiet on Substack, the six of us on the Critical Physiotherapy Network executive committee has been busy! As highlighted in a recent excellent portrait of critical physiotherapy (link below), the CPN is nearing 10 years. As we think about the next decade, we would like for the coming year to build on existing strengths while creating a vision through dialogues within our community.
First, we would like to see the CPN workshops continue in a new 2023/24 series. So many great conversations have been started through these, including in the last series on vulnerability. We are looking for volunteers to coordinate; please email cpnexecutive@gmail.com to join that working group. In the past, the few hours these folks offer makes great things happen in the CPN.
Second, we have been planning a dialogue series which we hope to launch in late November. The purpose of these will be to help shape the coming years of the CPN. If the first ten years created spaces for those taking new risks to foster an otherwise physiotherapy, what should our focus be now, with this foundation and ever-growing creativity? Stay tuned for more information about the discussions.
Finally, a little plug for the Environmental Physiotherapy Association’s Festival, which is free, flexible, and community-driven: https://environmentalphysio.com/events/ept-festival2023/