A few minutes ago, you’ll have received a message welcoming you to the CPN Herald.
You received this because you’d previously signed up to be a member of the Critical Physiotherapy Network.
We’ve decided to move all of the news and blogs off the ‘old’ site because people were having too many problems logging in and reading the posts.
This new Substack site allows us to send news about the CPN directly to your email inbox.
Less hassle for you, and no fees, no contracts, no ties.
But this isn’t the only new thing on the horizon for the CPN:
In January, the follow-up book to The End of Physiotherapy will be out. Titled Physiotherapy Otherwise, it’s been written under a Creative Commons license, so will be entirely free to download
We’re starting work on a new critical collaborative knowledge network called the Critical Physiotherapy Academy (CPA) which will take a completely new approach to learning
We’ll be putting out a call for chapters for a 3rd critical physiotherapy reader
And we’ll be restarting the Critical Physiotherapy Course after a one-year Zoom-fatigue hiatus
So keep your eye out for email updates from us, and thanks as always for your support for the CPN.
Talk soon,
Dave Nicholls
Wonderful news :-)
Love the picture and what it could possibly represent to students to stimulate debate, please may I use it in teaching?