'The beginnings of any organization are important, for on them rests the future' Mildred Elison, President of WCPT in 1953 [wpvideo FfJ8iN13] Given that the 17th WCPT congress in Singapore begins on 1 May 2015 and runs for four days, I thought it might be timely to remember the first congress and reflect on what has changed and what has stayed the same.
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The first congress of the World Confederation…
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'The beginnings of any organization are important, for on them rests the future' Mildred Elison, President of WCPT in 1953 [wpvideo FfJ8iN13] Given that the 17th WCPT congress in Singapore begins on 1 May 2015 and runs for four days, I thought it might be timely to remember the first congress and reflect on what has changed and what has stayed the same.