Sitemap - 2017 - The Critical Physiotherapy Network Herald
Physiotherapy's biopsycho (but not so much) social approach to future healthcare
How radical is robotic physiotherapy anyway?
Physiotherapy as process, not event
The CPN's upcoming first book! An edited collection...
A new international community of physiotherapy educators
Reflections on a tweet/Why I joined the CPN
How to get more critical physiotherapy at the next WCPT Congress
A brief podcast on The End of Physiotherapy
Instructions for turning your 30DoS file into a desktop wallpaper
30 Days of September is coming...
Are you interested in the history of physical therapy?
Beyond Motherhood and Apple Pie
The great migration (away from physiotherapy)
Vulnerability in research ethics
A revolution in physiotherapy publishing
Everything is political - Even physiotherapy!
Professional Codes of Practice - can we (or Kant we) rely on them?!
Reflections of a quantitative researcher on the CPN Salon
Will technology make physiotherapy obsolete?
Celebrations over, now back to work
A critical thinking sandpit exercise
The greatest show on (physiotherapy) earth
The highs and lows of blogging about physiotherapy
Review of Barbara Gibson's book 'Rehabilitation: a post-critical approach'
Are health professionals parasites?
Jo's web log (June 2017): a new function and updated FAQs
If you're looking for innovation, regulatory authorities need to change
Imagining an Encompassing Physiotherapy
CPN Salon update - book your place now!
Creating a safe environment for trans populations in physio
Stories of Illness / Disability in Literature and Comics - Berlin, October 27-28 2017
Ageing: From 1 to 100 in 3 minutes (video)
History of physical therapy networking session at WCPT - ideas and translators needed
The case for 'caring activism'
CPN member's WCPT presentations
Nueva fisioterapia- 7 maneras de cambiar el mundo
New physiotherapy – 7 ways to change the world
Should we give up physiotherapy?
"Seated physios giving advice on exercise to patients over the phone" - a follow-up
Karl Marx would have loved physiotherapy
CPN Salon – indibaniselwano encinci yobuzaza bequmrhu labeluli mizimbaGcina umhla!
The future for physiotherapy education
New book - A Sociological Approach to Acquired Brain Injury and Identity
Critical Studies in Physiotherapy
CPN Salon after WCPT - Hold av datoen! Reserva!
CPN Salon - a mini-conference in critical physiotherapy
Call for Papers: Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation, Special Disability Studies Themed Issue
There is no 'you' in physiotherapy
Is there anyone better placed than a physio?
10 reasons to love physiotherapy
Critical Approaches to Health: Constructing Pain - new book offer from Routledge