Sitemap - 2016 - The Critical Physiotherapy Network Herald
How to be an expert in physiotherapy today
Another busy year for the CPN Exec
What does 'critical' mean again?
Trump, Brexit and physiotherapy
The End of Physiotherapy is nigh
The biopsychosocial model revisited
Is the Biopsychosocial Model all it's cracked up to be?
are you a CPN member attending ER-WCPT2016 in Liverpool?
Physiotherapy and the poverty of aged care
Collecting Qualitative Data: Beyond the face-to-face interview
Tracy Bury - EBM: What it is and what it isn’t - 30DoS #30
Keith Waldron - Rejecting Medical Humanism - 30DoS #29
Hannah Vitelson - Pippi gets critical - 30DoS #28
Franziska Trede - Time, Self, and the Curiously Abstract Concept of Agency - 30DoS #27
Nicky Wilson - Meaning in action - 30DoS #26
Simon Kirkegaard - Pain neuroscience education - 30DoS #25
Wenche S. Bjorbækmo - The art of presenting qualitative research - 30DoS #24
Gwyn Owen - How we think - 30DoS #23
Gunn Engelsrud - Phenomenology of perception - 30DoS #22
Adam Bjerre - Incomplete nature - 30DoS #21
Amy Hiller - Gnostic and pathic touch - 30DoS #20
Blaise Doran - Healing dramas and clinical plots - 30DoS #19
Carley King - The sugar conspiracy - 30DoS #18
Karen Yoshida - The normality of doing things differently - 30DoS #17
Birgitte Ahlsen - The wounded storyteller - 30DoS #16
Dave Nicholls - Discipline and punish - 30DoS #15
Fiona Moffatt - Thinking allowed - 30DoS #14
Thomas Abrams - Dis/Abling Practices - 30DoS #13
Anna Rajala - Phenomenology of spirit - 30DoS #12
Tone Dahl-Michelsen - Gender trouble - 30DoS #11
Catherine Sykes - The ICF - 30DoS #10
Patty Thille - The body multiple - 30DoS #9
Målfrid Råheim - The Social Body – 30DoS #8
Ralph Hammond - The theory of communicative action - 30DoS #7
Barbara Gibson - Embodying the monster - 30DoS #6
Tobba Sudmann - Presentation of self in everyday life - 30DoS #5
Jenny Setchell - Meeting the Universe Halfway - 30DoS #4
Siri Moe - How the Body Shapes the Mind - 30DoS #3
Stephanie Nixon - 30DoS #2 - Allyship
Michael Rowe - Quantifying the body - 30 DoS #1
Pensioners' spending on physiotherapy
Is it time for new critical physiotherapy journal?
Does physiotherapy's hidden curriculum exclude men?
Can we establish a global paradigm for physiotherapy treatments?
There was always more than one body in physiotherapy
Why you should write a blogpost - yes you!
Stop telling people to lose weight and get more exercise
Pictures of Cyriax, Stoddard, Kaltenborn & Evjenth at IFOMPT meeting in Gran Canaria, 1973
Work for it - fitness, female and fascism
Educating the deliberate professional - new book from CPN members
No sex please, we're physiotherapists*
Is physiotherapy linked to the birth of modern writing?
Exhibiting Pain: Interpretations of creative representations of life with persistent physical pain
Is it time to end the tyranny of evidence based practice?
RSA Animate - the power of outrospection
Lovely short film about recovery and rehab following Guillain-Barré
It’s difficult to innovate in the NHS
Physiotherapy is part of the debt we pay when things go wrong
beyond the machine: a panel debate hosted by the Institute of Art & Ideas
There are no new treatments in physiotherapy
Neuroscience and a radical view of consciousness (Spanish)
Fit for physiotherapy (Spanish)?
'Connectivity: An emerging concept for physiotherapy practice' available online
Looking at physiotherapy through fresh eyes
Disabled physiotherapists - Karen Atkinson comment
WCPT advocates for the inclusion of people with disabilities in physiotherapy profession
Neuroscience and a radical view of consciousness
are you submitting an abstract to ER-WCPT2016?
New postdoc scholarship: Recovery from fibromyalgia
Critical things to do this week
Critique, Resistance and Action conference update
El resquebrajamiento de la division discapacidad/normalidad
Why a grand vision might be bad for your practice (and your soul)
Disrupting the Disabled/Normal Divide
Help HelpAge in Ukraine and Tanzania
How 21st century (higher) education can, and must change